Febi Nr. 01381, 1,5L
Febi Nr. 01381
e.g. reference number G 012 A8D A1
febi 01381 is a lifetime frost and corrosion protection for grey cast iron and full aluminium engines, and meets the requirements of VW, Audi, Seat and Škoda;
it features the following characteristics:
Frost protection down to -40 °C, excellent protection against corrosion and sedimentation.
Raises the boiling point. This allows an even heat transfer.
Even a concentration of 33 % in the cooling system provides sufficient corrosion protection and additional frost protection down to -22 °C.
Meets specifications of MB 325.3/
MAN 324, Renault Type D/VW TL 774 D.
1:1 = -36°C. VW G12 ; TL 774 D ; G 012 A8D A1 ; 6277M
OPEL 1940 663 (S1) ; 1940 650 (S1) ; GM (0)9194431 (S1) ; 93170402 (S1)
VOLVO 1089240 S ; RENAULT Type D ; MB 325.3 ; MAN 324 SNF