Bardahl XTC Syntronic VA 0W-30, 5L

2-5 Päivää Bardahl XTC Syntronic VA 0W-30, 5L
  • €134.10
  • Veroton: €109.92
Bardahl XTC Syntronic VA 0W-30
Bardahl XTC 0W30 Syntronic is a fully synthetic engine oil for long extended drain intervals. Due to the low viscosity the operating temperature will be reached sooner, resulting in fuel saving. Maximum protection under all circumstances. 
This engine oil has the following specifications:
Volkswagen Longlife 503.00 / 506.00/ 506.01
Analysis data
Viscosity; mm² at 100 ° C 9:55
Viscosity; mm² at 40 ° C 54
Viscosity Index 165
Viscosity; at -30 ° C 3250
TBN; mg KOH / g ASTM D664 9.4
Pour point; -42 ° C
Flashpoint; COC; 212 ° C;
Specific Gravity at 15/15 ° C 0855
Conradson Carbon Residue; wt.% 0:20
Noack Evaporation; wt.% 8.7
HTHS Viscosity 2.97