Ravenol ATF Dexron VI, 4L
Ravenol ATF Dexron VI
is an automatic transmission oil ATF on the basis of the latest technology of the HC/HT hydrocrack oils which is approved by General Motors for the use in vehicles with automatic transmissions. Because of the special formulation the durability is twice the time as a comparable ATF oil.
RAVENOL Automatik-Getriebe-Oel Dexron VI fulfils the transmission oil specifications of General Motors for all vehicles with hydramatic – automatic transmissions from 2006.
DEXRON VI is a registered brand name of General Motors Corporation.
Application Notes
RAVENOL Automatik-Getriebe-Oel Dexron VI is recommended for all GM vehicles with hydramatic – automatic transmissions from 2006.
RAVENOL Automatik-Getriebe-Oel Dexron VI is completely downward compatible with DEXRON III (H)-, III- and IIE-applications. Follow the recommendations of the instruction manual of your vehicle.
Quality Classifications
Dexron®-VI, Erfüllt die Spezifikation GMN 10060
General Motors Lizenz-Nr. J-60331, MB-Approval 236.41
Practice and tested in aggregates with filling
BMW 83220397114, BMW 83222167720, GM1940184, GM93165414
RAVENOL Automatik-Getriebe-Oel Dexron VI offers:
phenomenal resistance of lubricant failure under hard operating conditions a longer oil durability, extension of the durability of the transmission, offers longer changing intervals
phenomenal resistance of oil sludge and deposit accumulation much better oxidation resistance and thermic stability than DEXRON III (H) ATF an excellent corrosion protection, a much better foaming resistance for a smooth switching operation as well as a lower corrosion of the bearings, sleeves and gear wheels an excellent flow behaviour at low temperatures a constant switching operation performance, optimised friction characteristics prevention of coupling grinding regarding modulation rotary conversion
a longer durability of oil and coupling, offers a smooth switching operation at low temperatures much better fuel economy and torque transfer than DEXRON III (H) ATF an improved shear stability
RAVENOL Automatik-Getriebe-Oel Dexron®-VI
Characteristics Unit Data Audit
Colour red visual
Density at 20°C kg/m³ 845 EN ISO 12185
Viscosity at -40°C mPa*s 12000 DIN 51377
Viscosity at 40°C mm²/s 29,9 DIN 51562
Viscosity at 100°C mm²/s 6,05 DIN 51562
Pourpoint °C -56 DIN ISO 3016
Flash point (COC) °C 210 DIN ISO 2592
TBN mg KOH/g 2,0 DIN ISO 3771
Sulphated ash %wt. 0,02 DIN 51 575